Saturday, October 11, 2008



Kanchanaburi is one the most picturesque of Thailand 's provinces, with wile jungles and rugged hills. The area achieved archaeological distinction during the period of the second world war, When a freak accident led to the discovery of Neolithic burial sites in the area. From a study of these remains, it was established that a definite cultural link existed at some time between the people who lived in Thailand and those who lived in peninsular Malaysia.

At The kanchanaburi cemetery are buried British, Dutch, Indian and Australian soilers who lost their lives during the construction of the notorious ' Death Railway' during world war II .
State dignitaries, as well as tourists, come here from time to time in order to pay their respects.

The bridge which spans the river Kwai was constructed in order to join the valley of Kwai Yai.
Pierre Bouille wrote his best seller "The Bridge on the River Kwai " upon which the classic motion picture was based.
Kanchanaburi is 126 kilometers. west of Bangkok , and can be reaches by car, bus or train.

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